Mrs Butler is the person responsible for Inclusion at St Ursula’s Catholic Primary School. We are committed to inclusion and equal opportunities. We work closely with parents and other agencies in order to ensure that all pupils are able to successfully access the curriculum.
Our school population includes a wide range of different community groups and we are dedicated to ensuring that our school is a place where everyone feels welcome and where all pupils can be successful learners. Our consistently high expectations and inclusive teaching practices ensure that St Ursula’s Catholic Primary School is a place where all children can achieve highly.
Our pupils have a range of different abilities and interests, beliefs and aspirations. Our staff are experienced in teaching pupils with a wide range of abilities and trained to use a variety of different techniques and intervention programmes to ensure all children can access the curriculum fully. At St Ursula’s we want all of our pupils to succeed and thoroughly enjoy their education.
Details of how St Ursula's provides for pupils with special educational needs and abilities can be found in the policies at the end of this page.
If you wish discuss any SEND or Inclusion matters please call Mrs Butler on 01708 345200.
St Josephs
Mrs L Butler
Head of KS1
Mrs C Kent
Deputy SENDCo
Mrs M Upton
Teaching Assistant
Mrs R Stone
Teaching Assistant
Mrs T Mitul
Teaching Assistant
Here you can see pupils are busy exploring numbers, shapes, capacity and length. All are enjoying Science, investigating forces and hot and cold. In English, they read stories such as The Three Little Pigs, Goldilocks, the Three Bears and Stick Man.
Sensory play is a firm favourite. St Ursula's use sensory play to enhance pupils learning in all areas of the curriculum with searching for hidden shapes to investigating textures and materials. Here in the following photos children explore shaving foam, cornflour, baby oil, conditioner, pasta, water and jelly to name just a few!