Prayer, worship and liturgical celebration are central to our Catholic tradition and form an integral part of the school day. Prayer is encouraged in a variety of methods; – private individual prayer, group prayer, and whole school prayer.
Our faith teaches us that God loves us and wants to have a relationship with us. Our relationship with God is built up through our worship of him – the time spent talking and listening to him. Liturgy and prayer at St Ursula’s aims to enable children to live their lives to the fullest, through deepening their faith and developing a personal relationship with God. We do this through the creative story based worship resources of Ten:Ten and the Wednesday Word that are rooted at Church’s teachings.
Our School community takes part in a daily act of worship (5-10 minutes) and formal prayers are used to open and close the school day sessions. The children also plan and lead acts of worship within each of their classes on a Thursday.
Prayer, worship and Liturgy celebration |
Monday |
Tuesday |
Wednesday |
Thursday |
Friday |
Gospel Assembly
Staff meeting
Staff Training |
Hymn Singing |
Wednesday Word |
Thursday morning liturgies led by our ‘Faith in Action’ pupils |
Friday Achievement Assembly
Headteacher Newsletter
Termly Governor Meetings Termly Year group Newsletter Termly Year group Assemblies Termly RE Newsletter Monthly Prayer written by ‘Faith in Action’ group Monthly Ten:Ten Newsletter Year Group Masses Parent Ten:Ten Portal Parent Workshops Parent Coffee Mornings Whole School Masses are celebrated on Holy Days of Obligation and special Feast Days and Celebrations |
Collective Worship structure (The 4 Ws):
Prayer and liturgy follows a call and response structure. God calls to us and we respond to him. When God speaks to us in his words (scripture), it is the response of the heart to respond with love whether that be a prayer of praise, adoration, thanks giving, repentance or intercession.
When this conversation with God happens within the formal liturgy of the Church, this pattern is repeated back and forth. We want to support our children in understanding the call and response pattern. Icons are used to help our pupils understand the call and response pattern during the prayer time in assemblies and in their classroom.
Welcome (Gather) - We gather together. We use candles and other religious artefacts to show we are preparing for worship.
Word (listen) - We listen to scripture.
Worship (Response) - We respond to the reading with prayer.
Witness (Mission) - We choose a way to go forth, sharing the Good News and following God's mission in our everyday lives.
St Ursula’s Prayer and Liturgy is guided by the Collective Worship Programme from Ten:Ten. This programme allows pupils to immerse themselves in stories that change hearts and minds and shows that Jesus’ stories are just as relevant today as they were when he told them.
Collective worship takes place each day at St Ursula’s. The term ‘Collective worship’ is used by the government and whilst it is commonly used in schools, it is not a phrase that is necessarily part of Church’s traditions. As Catholics when we use the term collective worship we are really referring to the huge variety and richness in the tradition of Prayer and Liturgy. Collective worship is more than a statutory requirement – it changes lives!
Physical resources are both in-class and centrally-based. All classes have access to quality Bibles, suited to the ages and needs of the class. There are a variety of books, posters, artefacts and ICT software to support collective worship.
“Prayer is the encounter of God’s thirst with ours. God thirsts that we may thirst for God”
[Catechism of the Catholic Church 2560]
As Christians we believe that God calls each of us into a loving relationship with him, and this relationship can be strengthened through prayer. Prayer is the way in which we engage in communication with God and it is essential to human fulfilment for it is only in God that we can discover ourselves, our meaning and our purpose. Therefore, part of our role as a Catholic School is to teach prayers and to educate our pupils on how to pray.
In each classroom at St Ursula’s Catholic Primary School, there is a prayer table with a Crucifix, Statue and Icon and these are joined by a Bible that is always open. This prayer focus will change throughout the year to reflect the Liturgical Year and the current Topic being taught in R.E.
While praying in class, teachers simply start their prayer by drawing everyone together by various ways such as lighting a candle, making the Sign of the Cross, singing a Hymn or directing their pupil’s focus to a religious painting or Icon. Teachers and pupils are aware of the importance of creating an atmosphere conducive to prayer such as playing music. At St. Ursula’s we pray with children and not at them. We recognise that enabling children to pray demands wholehearted involvement with them not in teacher/pupil way but in a relationship of learning, and discovering together.
“You have made us for yourself, O Lord, and our hearts are restless until they rest in You”
[St. Augustine]
Prayer consists of:
Listening - being attentive to the voice of God in every moment of life.
Speaking - expressing our heart’s deepest longings and desires to the One who knows and understands us better than we know and understand ourselves.
Reflecting - thinking about our relationship with God. Pondering on the actions of God in history and in the unfolding mystery of our lives.
Resting – simply being consciously in the presence of God, knowing that we are loved.
The Catechism of the Catholic Church identifies the following forms of prayer:
Blessing and Adoration – the prayer which blesses God for the goodness which has been shown to humankind
Petition – the prayer which asks for forgiveness and which calls for the establishment of the Kingdom of God
Intercession – consists in asking on behalf of another
Thanksgiving – acknowledging the gifts which God has given
Praise – the prayer which praises God simply because God is
[CCC 2623 –2649] Prayer in our classrooms
This has been explained further in our Prayer in Class booklets below.
Our Daily Prayers
Our daily prayers are a fundamental part of our life at St Ursula's, but each month one of the classes from KS2 is set the task of writing a prayer around a current theme. The class writes the prayer collaboratively and the prayer is shared with the rest of the school through the R.E. display in the school foyer.
Morning Prayer
Lunchtime Prayer
Afternoon Prayer
“Lord teach us how to pray”
Luke 11:1
Just as the disciples asked Jesus for guidance in prayer, at St. Ursula’s we recognise that our children need to be supported in their development and understanding of prayer and how it can enhance not only their faith but their relationship with God. This is set out in our Progression in Prayer document. Booklets have been created for each year group to support this progression, with the aim that by the time our children leave St. Ursula’s they have a greater knowledge of the core prayers within the catholic faith as well as a deeper understanding as to why we say/pray them.
Progression in Prayer
Yearly Focus |
Nursery |
Focus on coming together in prayer. Recognise the importance of making the sign of Cross. Recognise the importance of putting our hands together or opening our hands up in prayer. Using the cross or a candle as a focal point during prayer. Listening to and participating in daily prayers when able to. |
Reception |
Introduction of the Morning, Lunch Time and Evening Prayers. Recognise the importance of making the sign of Cross. Introduce the Candle as Jesus being the light of the world and his presence among us. Listening to and participating in daily prayers. |
Year 1 |
Consolidation of the Morning, Lunch Time and Evening Prayers. Introduction of the Our Father and the Hail Mary and the school mission statement. Beginning to develop of their understanding of the significance of Jesus being the light of the world, how that light guides us. Children are introduced to the different approaches to prayer including: silent reflection, joyful singing, communal prayer, offering our own prayers. |
Year 2 |
Children are confident with the Morning, Lunch Time and Evening Prayers. Consolidation of the Our Father, the Hail Mary and the school mission statement. Introduction of the School Prayer, the Glory Be and the Penitential Right. Children understand of the significance of Jesus being the light of the world, how that light guides us. They recognise that praying is talking to God and that through prayer we develop our relationship with God. Children recognise the different approaches to prayer including: silent reflection, joyful singing, communal prayer, offering our own prayers, and are beginning to understand when each is appropriate/best suited. |
Year 3 |
Children are confident with the Morning, Lunch Time and Evening Prayers. As well as the Our Father, the Hail Mary and the school mission statement. Consolidation of the School Prayer, the Glory Be and the Penitential Right. Introduced to the rosary and the Joyful Mysteries of the Rosary and the Creed. Children understand of the significance of Jesus being the light of the world, how that light guides us. They recognise that praying is talking to God and that through prayer we develop our relationship with God. Children recognise the different approaches to prayer including: silent reflection, joyful singing, communal prayer, offering our own prayers, and are understand when each is appropriate/best suited. Children are encouraged to begin leading prayer within class worship sessions. |
Year 4 |
Children are confident with the Morning, Lunch Time and Evening Prayers. As well as the Our Father, the Hail Mary, the school mission statement, the School Prayer, the Glory Be and the Penitential Right. Consolidation of the Creed. Introduced to the rosary and the Luminous Mysteries of the Rosary and the Prayer To The Guardian Angel. Children have a deeper understanding of the significance of Jesus being the light of the world, and the need to look for that light in the world around us. Children understand when praying they are opening up a dialogue with God that will develop their relationship with their faith and their community. |
Year 5 |
Children are confident with the Morning, Lunch Time and Evening Prayers. As well as the Our Father, the Hail Mary, the school mission statement, the School Prayer, the Glory Be, the Penitential Right, The Creed and the Prayer To The Guardian Angel. Introduced to the rosary and the Glorious Mysteries of the Rosary and The Prayer for Eternal Rest, and the Angelus. Children have a deep understanding of the significance of Jesus being the light of the world, and the need to look for that light in the world around us. Children understand when praying they are opening up a dialogue with God that will develop their relationship with their faith and their community. |
Year 6 |
Children are confident in the prayers taught throughout the school and are able to lead worship both within their classrooms and a whole school setting. Introduction to the Prayer for Serenity and the Sorrowful Mysteries of the Rosary. Children have a deep understanding of the significance of Jesus being the light of the world, and the need to look for that light in the world around us. Children understand when praying they are opening up a dialogue with God that will develop their relationship with their faith and their community. |
“At the heart of the life of the Catholic Church has always been the celebration of the Eucharist, or the Mass, as Catholics often call it. Taking part in the Mass is the hallmark of the Catholic, central and crucial to our Catholic identity.” [1](Celebrating the Mass 1)
As a Catholic School we believe attending mass and celebrating our faith together to be an integral part of our school community. Celebrating mass allows our community to reflect on the teachings of our Lord Jesus and to celebrate the Eucharist in memory of Him. The purpose of every school Mass is to unite all of those attending more closely to Christ, to deepen their love for him and for others.
Each celebration of Mass with pupils should be “carefully prepared beforehand, especially with regard to the prayers, songs, readings, and intentions of the general intercessions.” [2](DMC 29). As a school we work closely with our parish priest, Father Joseph, to plan and prepare for our class and school Masses. Father celebrates Mass with us in St. Dominic’s Church and also attends school to support and lead services.
Throughout the liturgical year we celebrate mass as a whole school and as individual classes, we actively encourage every year group to participate and contribute to mass, whether that be through singing, leading the offertory, joining in with the responses or reading to others at mass. Many of our children are members of our local parish, and where possible children from our school community serve on the altar during class and school masses.
[1] Celebrating the Mass: A Pastoral Introduction, Catholic Bishops’ Conference of England and Wales (London: Catholic Truth Society, 2005)
EYFS/KS1 Hymn Focus
Autumn 1 |
Autumn 2 |
Spring 1 |
Spring 2 |
Summer 1 |
Summer 2 |
Seasonal: Harvest If I were a Butterfly We are Marching
St. Francis Peace perfect peace
Seasonal: Remembrance Jesus remember me Peace Perfect Peace Christmas Light the advent candle How can this be? I saw a star Little donkey Away in a manger Silent Night We wish you a merry Christmas |
Seasonal: Lenten Hot cross buns Father we Adore you Give me joy |
Seasonal: Lent/Easter Jesus remember me Blessed be God This is the day
Seasonal: Mary As I Kneel Before You Ave Maria
Pentecost This little light of mine
One More Step |
Seasonal: New hymns/Recap Bind us together He’s got the whole world Circle Song |
Mass: Entrance: I belong to the family
Offertory: This is my body
Communion: Father, I place into your hands
Recessional: This is the day Freely Freely
Mass: Entrance: O When the Saints go marching in
Offertory: All that I am
Communion: Jesus took a loaf of bread Take our bread
Recessional: Shine, Jesus Shine |
Mass: Entrance: Give me Joy in my heart
Offertory: Be Still for the Presence
Communion: Jesus prayed in Gethsemane Father we Adore You
Recessional: Servant King Hooray for Jesus
Mass: Entrance: Lord I lift your name on hight
Offertory: Because the Lord is my Shepherd
Communion: Jesus, Remember me
Recessional: I will be with you
Mass: Entrance: Follow me Follow me
Offertory: Ave Maria
Communion: As I kneel before you
Recessional: This little light of mine
Mass: Entrance: Christ, be our light!
Offertory: This is my body
Communion: Father I Place into your Hands
Recessional: Follow Me, Follow Me
KS2 Hymn Focus
Autumn 1 |
Autumn 2 |
Spring 1 |
Spring 2 |
Summer 1 |
Summer 2 |
Seasonal: Harvest If I were a Butterfly Autumn Days All things bright & beautiful
St. Francis Make Me A Channel of Your Peace
Carribbean - Our Father |
Seasonal: Remembrance Jesus remember me Peace Perfect Peace Christmas Light the advent candle The Angel Gabriel Do you hear what I hear? Hark! The Herald Angels Sing In the Bleak Midwinter O Come All Ye Faithful Once in Royal David’s We Three Kings |
Seasonal: Lenten: Give me Joy in my Heart Hooray for Jesus Blessed be God Do you really love me? |
Seasonal: Lent/Easter This is my body Because the Lord is My Shepherd Father we Adore you Jesus remember me This is the day
Seasonal: Mary As I Kneel Before You Ave Maria Immaculate Mary Pentecost Follow me, Follow me Shine, Jesus Shine This little light of mine
One More Step |
Seasonal: New hymns/Recap Oh Lord you are the centre of my life As the deer longs for the water Sing it in the Valleys Eagles wings Yahweh, I know you are near In Christ Alone
Mass: Entrance: I belong to the family
Offertory: This is my body One Bread One Body
Communion: This is my body/ Father, I place into your hands
Recessional: This is the day Freely Freely
Mass: Entrance: O When the Saints go marching in
Offertory: All that I am
Communion: Jesus took a load of bread Take our bread Yah Weh
Recessional: Peace Perfect Peace Shine, Jesus Shine Walk with me oh my lord |
Mass: Entrance: Give me Joy in my heart
Offertory: Be Still for the Presence Peace I give to you my friend
Communion: Jesus prayed in Gethsemane
Recessional: Servant King |
Mass: Entrance: Lord I lift your name on high Lord of the Dance
Offertory: Because the Lord is my Shepherd
Communion: Jesus, Remember me Were you there?
Recessional: I will be with you |
Mass: Entrance: Christ be beside me
Offertory: Ave Maria Blest are you Lord God
Communion: As I kneel before you
Recessional: Immaculate Mary This little light of mine |
Mass: Entrance: Christ, be our light!
Offertory: This is my body
Communion: Father I Place into your Hands
Recessional: Follow Me, Follow Me Walk with me oh my lord
At St. Ursula’s we recognise that we are a community, and understand the importance of everyone in our community having a contribution to our decisions as a school. Our aim over the past few years has been to increase the involvement of pupils in decision making at St Ursula’s, and that has been no different when it comes to the faith of our school.
We have a number of pupil voice groups, but two of those are solely focused on the faith of our school, our Pupil Chaplains, and our RE Monitors.
Pupil Chaplains
Our 2023-24 Pupil Chaplains were appointed in Autumn 1 following a robust selection process. Applying for the role of Pupil Chaplain required our Year 6 pupils to write a letter explaining how their qualities and skills were best suited for the role. In addition to the letter, pupils were also interviewed by Mr Ashburn and Miss Gilligan. The role of the Pupil Chaplain is to help the school to be a community of faith, to encourage the pupils to live their faith in daily living and to support liturgy, prayer and the spiritual life of the school.
Our Chaplains were commissioned during our St. Ursula’s Day Mass and have already begun their mission for this year by interviewing key figures in our school community, leading whole school masses and attending parent coffee mornings to let parents know about our school website and the faith within our school.
Faith in Action
Our Faith in Action group, formerly known as RE monitors are comprised of 1 pupil per class, from Year 1 to Year 6. They lead our prayer and liturgy sessions within classrooms, work with Mrs Hall to consider how they can put their faith in action within the local community and within the school they are responsible for maintaining the prayer table within every classroom. They also write and produce our monthly payer focus which is displayed on our school website and in each of the school entrances.
During the school year they work with CAFOD to raise money for important causes and are always available to greet important visitors to our school. They take their role very seriously and within the school week they lead the classroom prayers as well as the Wednesday Word and Thursday Thought in each class.
Ten Ten Parent Newsletter
Ten Ten provide high-quality resources that enrich the Catholic ethos of all Catholic Primary schools. They publish online newsletters which allow parents and children to engage with the prayers and the teaching provided through the Collective Worship programme.
The Wednesday Word
The Wednesday Word spreads the Gospel in a powerful new way - sowing seeds to parents and their families.
The Wednesday Word mission aims to help all school families draw closer to God, to the church and to each other. The primary school version, is a double - sided A4 leaflet which carries the Sunday Gospel into school then families homes. The children receive the leaflet in school each week* for them to take home and then share with the rest of their family. This way, the word will be sent out (as in the Parable of the Sower and the seed), creating a new opportunity for the Word of God to be shared.