FGM is child abuse and a form of violence against women and girls, and therefore it is dealt with as part of existing child and adult safeguarding/protection structures, policies and procedures. It is illegal in the UK to subject a child to female genital mutilation (FGM) or to take a child abroad to undergo the procedure – Female Genital Mutilation Act 2003. Despite the harm it causes, FGM practising communities consider it normal to protect their cultural identity. The age at which girls are subject to FGM varies greatly from shortly after birth to any time up to adulthood. The average age is 5 to 8 years.
‘My Body My Rules' is a three minute animated film aimed at raising awareness of female genital mutilation (FGM) amongst primary school aged children in the UK.
At St Ursula’s Catholic Primary School, our staff are trained in dealing with suspected FGM and are alerted to the following key indicators: Any female child born to a woman or has a sister who has been subjected to FGM will be considered to be at risk, as much as other female children in the extended family. Any information or concern that a child is at risk of or has undergone FGM will result in a child protection referral to Children’s Social Services. FORWARD Youth works to ensure the safety, well-being and dignity of girls facing FGM. They have helpful advice on FGM, as well as support for women and young girls How Childline can help Children and young people can get support from Childline if they're worried about or have experienced FGM. Childline has lots of helpful advice on FGM, including how to get help and fears about speaking up. Calls to 0800 1111 are free and confidential. Children can also contact Childline online.Key Indicators
Support from NCPP
Support for Children and Young People