There are a number of ways by which you can report a concern about a child in our school.
You can:
- Speak with your child's class teacher when you drop-off or collect from school.
- Phone and ask to speak with a member of SLT or a Designated Lead for Safeguarding on 01708 345200. (Meet the team here)
- Email the school at
Share concerns anonymously if you wish.
The following options are available 24 hours a day 7 days a week, if your concern needs a response outside of school working hours:
- If you feel someone is at immediate risk of significant harm please contact the Police on 999.
- If you have non-urgent information, related to the wider community please contact the Police on 101.
- If your concern is specific to a child or young person please phone between 9 till 5, Mon to Fri on 01708 433222 or 01708 433999 out of hours/weekends.
- If you are a child or young person you can speak with Childline on 0800 1111.
- If you are an adult worried about a child you can email the NSPCC helpline on