Problems caused by inconsiderate and/or illegal parking in the vicinity of school during morning drop off and afternoon pick up are a constant cause of complaint by parents and local residents.

Parking illegally or inconsiderately not only causes inconvenience to local residents and undermines the school’s efforts to be a good neighbour but creates road safety issues, including danger to pedestrians crossing roads.

We would like to urge all parents and carers to think about where you park, how you park, and your conduct outside of our school gates.  Our school is situated within a living community of people’s homes, however for some of us, the lack of thought given when it comes to where and how we should park is causing much anger, distress and upset for both residents and school community.


Cars parked illegally outside a school can be reported using the following link:

or Alternatively you can report an illegally parked vehicle by calling 01708 432787 and choosing option 6 then option 1


St Ursula's will continue to notify the police of matters of this nature.