As a school we promote these values in a variety of ways:
The Rule of Law
The pupils understand the school rules and what happens if these rules are broken. At the start of each year, classes discuss class rules and agree a charter to abide by. During lessons and assemblies pupils learn about the importance of having rules and how these relate to laws. We use a range of resources to promote moral, spiritual, social and cultural awareness among our pupils. Our pupils have a well-developed sense of justice. They understand and are able to discuss why there needs to be consequences for those who break the rules or laws. By being immersed in the ethos of the school, our pupils learn about their responsibility to be law abiding citizens.
The school values the pupils’ voice so we ask them about their learning, their concerns and for their ideas about how we can make things better for them. We do this by using pupil questionnaires and through our School Council. At the start of each year, pupils vote for their class representatives through an election process.
Individual Liberty
Alongside rules and laws, we promote freedom of choice and the right to respectfully express views and beliefs. Through the provision of a safe, supportive environment and empowering education, we provide boundaries for our pupil’s, to make choices safely.
Mutual Respect & Tolerance
Our ethos at St Ursula's Catholic Primary School is based on care, mutual respect and good manners. Adults actively model respect with one another – and with the pupils – in how we speak to and treat one another. Our school is a diverse community and through the RE curriculum we promote an awareness of different faiths.
In 2011, the Government defined British values as:
- The rule of law
- Individual liberty
- Mutual respect
- Tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs