Image of Competition Winners!
31 March 2023

Competition Winners!

"Congratulations to our winners of the Easter Garden Competition! Amazing effort from you all! Each garden is very special and unique interpretation of the Easter Story.  Judged by the RE Monitors they were very impressed with all of these and loved the variety of materials, imagination and…

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Image of Big Lent Walk
30 March 2023

Big Lent Walk

Throughout Lent, the children have been working hard to complete as many steps as possible for the 'Big Lent Walk'. All year groups have been walking regularly in our playgrounds and putting their 'faith into action'! Together we are hoping to walk 200km and raise vital funds for CAFOD to improve…

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Image of Why is Pastoral Care at School Important?
20 March 2023

Why is Pastoral Care at School Important?

Pastoral care is a provision schools make to ensure the physical and emotional welfare of their pupils.  We all go through periods of difficulty in life, but sometimes these rough times are experienced at a young age when we do not yet have the experience to deal with them alone. Pastoral care can…

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Image of Science Week
17 March 2023

Science Week

This week was British Science Week, where once a year we celebrate science, technology, engineering and maths.  It was a fantastic opportunity for the children to get involved in some really practical science activities and of course to dress up!  Here are a few examples.

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Image of World Book Day
7 March 2023

World Book Day

We had a great day on Friday 3rd March celebrating World Book Day.  Too many great photo's to share but here a few of my favourites!

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Image of Our Super Scientists meet a specialist!
3 March 2023

Our Super Scientists meet a specialist!

Today our Super Scientists led by Mrs Claydon, met with Mr Galvin who is The Cooper's Company and Coburn School science specialist and STEM co-ordinator.  They discussed what science workshops they would like to see at St Ursula's and about creating a link between our two schools to further…

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Image of KS2 Read to Reception
2 March 2023

KS2 Read to Reception

As part of Book Week some pupils from St Luke's visited St Teresa's today and became reading buddies.  Pupils are educated in how to share a book, how to read with excitement and how to be a good listeners.  Other classes did the same across the school.

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Image of House Point Winners!
24 February 2023

House Point Winners!

St. Dominic's House had the most House Points for the last half term and they were awarded today with a Games afternoon.  They all had great fun and thoroughly enjoyed the afternoon!

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Image of Dress to Impress
24 February 2023

Dress to Impress

During 'Wellbeing Week' at St Ursula's our children took part in 'Dress  to  Express  Day'.  Children  came  to school wearing their favourite colours and unique outfits to express how they were feeling.

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Image of Christmas Card Club
12 December 2022

Christmas Card Club

Led by the Pupil Chaplains, children from Year 1 to 6 came together to make Christmas cards for their friends and loved ones. They worked so hard!

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