Image of Our Super Scientists meet a specialist!
3 March 2023

Our Super Scientists meet a specialist!

Today our Super Scientists led by Mrs Claydon, met with Mr Galvin who is The Cooper's Company and Coburn School science specialist and STEM co-ordinator.  They discussed what science workshops they would like to see at St Ursula's and about creating a link between our two schools to further…

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Image of KS2 Read to Reception
2 March 2023

KS2 Read to Reception

As part of Book Week some pupils from St Luke's visited St Teresa's today and became reading buddies.  Pupils are educated in how to share a book, how to read with excitement and how to be a good listeners.  Other classes did the same across the school.

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Image of Year 4 Local History Study
1 March 2023

Year 4 Local History Study

Year 4 have been taking on the role of historians and completing a local History study as part of our CLC topic, the Anglo-Saxons. They investigated the question: How has Havering been impacted by the Anglo-Saxons? They found out lots of interesting information and facts. Did you know that…

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Image of House Point Winners!
24 February 2023

House Point Winners!

St. Dominic's House had the most House Points for the last half term and they were awarded today with a Games afternoon.  They all had great fun and thoroughly enjoyed the afternoon!

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Image of Dress to Impress
24 February 2023

Dress to Impress

During 'Wellbeing Week' at St Ursula's our children took part in 'Dress  to  Express  Day'.  Children  came  to school wearing their favourite colours and unique outfits to express how they were feeling.

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Image of Year 6 Get Cycling!
3 February 2023

Year 6 Get Cycling!

Cycling lessons were provided by Cycle Confident this week funded by the Department of Transport.  30 Year 6 pupils participated in 3 ability groups, Learn to Ride, Level 1 and Level 2.  We are hoping they will return in the summer term so more pupils can benefit!

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Image of Year 4 become Vikings for a day!
25 January 2023

Year 4 become Vikings for a day!

Year 4 spent the day dressed as Vikings and taking part in a variety of activities in the 'Viking Village'.  They had a great time!


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Image of Our choir sing at the 02!
16 January 2023

Our choir sing at the 02!

We had a fantastic start to the week with our school choir singing at the O2 London Arena, where they joined the Young Voices choir, which was made up of 8,000 children from across the South East. What a spectacular place for the pupils to perform! As well as singing, our pupils had the…

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Image of Advent Penitential Service
14 December 2022

Advent Penitential Service

To start of this season of reflection Father Joseph led a penitential service for Year 5 and 6 in the hall before going round to see the other classes.

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Image of Christmas Card Club
12 December 2022

Christmas Card Club

Led by the Pupil Chaplains, children from Year 1 to 6 came together to make Christmas cards for their friends and loved ones. They worked so hard!

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